Leadership Book Club - BYU Sorensen Center For Moral And Ethical Leadership Skip to main content

Leadership Book Club

Leadership Book Club Info

Day: Every Friday

Time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: MCDB 206

Current Book of Discussion

The Happiness Advantage
by Shawn Achor

Happiness fuels Success, not the other way around. In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor draws on positive psychology research to share how we can rewire our brain to be happier and more successful in an increasingly negative and stressful world.

What is Leadership Book Club?

Being at BYU is so much more than obtaining knowledge and receiving a degree – this is a key point in time for you to develop yourself, your habits, your character. You have limitless potential to do good and to become better. At the BYU Sorenson Center, we believe that personal growth is often achieved when exploring and applying the principles found in great books of literature.

Our purpose is to provide an intentional space for outward-focused students that inspires Christ-centered leadership and character development with an application of self-improvement literature to become more effective leaders and individuals.

 We meet every week to discuss readings and focus on action-items we can take away to grow into leadership. Readings are from self-improvement books which give opportunity to find gospel principles from and then share with the group. Join us as we discuss these inspiring books and seek to become better Christ-center leaders, together. Not only will you receive your own copy of the book, but there will always be yummy doughnuts as well!

Student Reviews

Hear what real students have to say about Leadership Book Club:
"Every time I go to a Moral and Ethical Leadership Society Event, I come out changed. It’s the principles, the people, and the fulfilling adjustments I see in myself that keep me coming back. "
~ Barbara Hargis
"The Book Club is my favorite part of MELS. I have learned so many valuable principles from the discussions that I have been able to apply in my life!"

~ Hannah Parry
"This group means a lot to me. Being surrounded by people who want to improve themselves and leave the meetings feeling a type of energy is momentous and makes me feel alive. I feel like I am growing into a better person and better leader."
~ Clarice Paulsen