Coaching is a partnership between coach and client that focuses on personal goal setting, self-development, potential outcomes, and actionable steps for creating a more positive future. Coaching is not mentoring, counseling, therapy, training, or teaching.
Coaching Creates Leaders
Coaching aims to build moral and ethical leaders at BYU by:
Elevating the leadership capacity of students so they can go forth to serve in their church, families, professions, and communities
Supporting personal change and growth in chosen leadership competencies
Increasing in knowledge, skills, and confidence
Experiencing feelings of empowerment and enablement
Exhibiting care and concern for others
1. Click the button below
2. Complete the Leadership Coaching Readiness Survey
3. Get paired with a Leadership Coach and begin your sessions!
"I loved how forward-focused leadership coaching was! I changed my career path because just a few coaching sessions helped me be more intentional about what I wanted."
"Receiving Leadership Coaching has helped me to the thinking necessary to make hard decisions. From career path to personal life choices, coaching has helped me feel confident I'm doing both what I want to do and what God wants me to do."
"Getting coached has given me new ideas and the energy to implement those ideas to become a better person in every area of my life."
"The Sorensen leadership coaching pilot program has changed my life. The skills I have learned and coaching has already had a great impact on how I perceive myself and how I perceive my friends."