Sorensen Center Official Launch - BYU Sorensen Center For Moral And Ethical Leadership Skip to main content
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Sorensen Center Official Launch

The Sorensen Center offically launched October 20, 2022 with a bouncy obstacle course, zipline, rock wall, J. Dawgs, and information about how you can be a moral and ethical leader in your spheres of influence.

October 20, 2022

Today, we officially launched our brand with a bang! Our launch party had a bouncy obstacle course, zipline, rock wall, J. Dawgs, and information about how you can be a moral and ethical leader in your spheres of influence.

There were four booths showing all the moving parts of the Sorensen Center. The booths were Coaching, Moral and Ethical Leadership Society, Communications, and the Lead Out initiative. With hundreds of people (and hundreds of hot dawgs) we were able to spread awareness about the Sorensen Center.

If you want to get more involved with our center, connect with us on social media, @byusorensencenter on Instagram and BYU Sorensen Center on YouTube.