Acknowledge - BYU Sorensen Center For Moral And Ethical Leadership Skip to main content


Come learn about the history and significance of Juneteenth, modern implications of this history, and unite together in community to shape our future.
Acknowledge Event 2024

Acknowledge: A Juneteenth Celebration seeks to acknowledge the profound significance of the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. It serves as a celebration of freedom, providing an opportunity to reflect on the progress made since emancipation and honor the contributions of the African American community to American society.

Honoring through celebration helps to answer the charge from President Russell M. Nelson to, “… to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice. I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children (source).”

This charge was reiterated by Elder Soares when he said, “As disciples of Christ, we are invited to increase our faith in, and love for, our spiritual brother and sisterhood by genuinely knitting our hearts together in unity and love, regardless of our differences, thereby increasing our ability to promote respect for the dignity of all the sons and daughters of God (source) .”

Festivities include an inspiring speaker, a BBQ dinner, games, an informational gallery, and a chance to gather in community.

Join us again in 2025 for our Juneteenth celebration!